> Recruiting Master's and Ph.D. Student Researchers in SCRC at Kookmin Univ. 금융정보보안학과 -특수통신연구센터 - 입학 | 커뮤니티 | 공지사항 - 국민대학교 국제교류팀

입학 공지사항

Recruiting Master's and Ph.D. Student Researchers in SCRC at Kookmin Univ. 금융정보보안학과 -특수통신연구센터

  • 작성일 22.05.17
  • 작성자 국제교류팀
  • 조회수 8596

[Recruitment Letter]

We are looking for Researcher in Special Communication & Convergence Service Research Center (SCRC) at Kookmin University (KMU), Seoul, Republic of Korea!

We are conducting research on communication technology that can be standardized in the future in preparation for the future of the entire planet(the earth) becoming a living area.

For the latest, we perform researches in Application of Data Integrity for Linkage and Information Synchronization of End-user who are associated in Marine and Ground Networks for the Activation of Underwater Internet of things & Polar(The Arctic/The Antarctica) Internet of things, as well as members of our research center took an active part in developing international standardization for underwater(maritime) & polar region communication for the past years. Detailed research scope and vision can be found by visiting the website below

In our center, we have two main research teams:

- Underwater/Maritime/Polar ICT development

- Global/Domestic SDO ICT standardization

Members of our center are published every year in journals, participate in local and international conferences and take an active part in scientific research for underwater/maritime/Polar ICT
We are looking for new members in our team, who are ready to carry with our center research projects and help develop next generation future communication for future industry & society!

● Position:

1) Post-Doctor researchers

2) Full-time doctor’s course student researchers**

3) Full-time master’s course student researchers**

** The applicants for the master's/doctor's degree also belong to the following departments

● department of related to SCRC :  Graduate School,  Dept. of Financial Information Security
(일반대학원 금융정보보안학과)

● Qualifications:
- Those who hold a degree in
computer science, electronics, math/statistics/physics or other related areas, or who are expected to acquire it.
- Preference to any practical or research experiences in information communication technology, computational modeling, simulation, programming, data analytics, machine learning, mathematical modeling and numerical analysis

● Offer:
- Opportunities to participate in various Korean National Research & Development projects
- Financial support to attend related workshops/seminars, academic conferences, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC41 and TTA standard meetings
- Data, materials, development environments support for diverse embedded devices on underwater, water surfaces, air, etc.
competitive salary including your tuition fee

● More About SCRC:
- Homepage :  http://scrc.kookmin.ac.kr
- Address :  203-1 Innovation & Partnership Building, Kookmin University, 

- Contact :  Soo-Hyun Park shpark21@kookmin.ac.kr & Soo-Young Shin sy-shin@kookmin.ac.kr


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