> [GKS] 2021 GKS Program for Graduate Degrees (University Track - Kookmin University) - 입학 | 커뮤니티 | 공지사항 - 국민대학교 국제교류팀

입학 공지사항

[GKS] 2021 GKS Program for Graduate Degrees (University Track - Kookmin University)

  • 작성일 21.02.25
  • 작성자 국제교류팀
  • 조회수 11941

< 2021 GKS Program for Graduate Degrees (University Track - Kookmin University) >

1. Admission Schedule
  ▘Application Deadline :   April 7th, 2021 

※ For applicants of Myanmar nationality ONLY, a scanned copy of the documents that meet all the instructions pages 9 to 15 of Application Guidelines can be submitted via e-mail to enterkmu@kookmin.ac.kr (Original documents must be submitted to the Korean Embassy in Myanmar after passing the second screening.)
  ▘Interview Date :   April 16th  or  April 19th, 2021  ※ Please note, only successful candidates for interviews will be contacted via email on Apr 15.)
  ▘Announcement of Successful Candidate(1st round by University)  : April 23rd (both successful/unsuccessful candidates will be contacted via email.) 

  Announcement of Successful Candidate(2nd round by NIIED) : End of May (You can check at the website → www.studyinkorea.go.kr -  [Scholarhsips] - [GKS Notice])

2.  Benefits  provided  only  by  Kookmin  University
  ▘On-campus  Dormitory  provided  free  of  charge
  ▘Research  Funds  (₩400,000  per  Semester)
    ※  KMU do not support the research funds during Korean Language Course.
  ▘Support  in Tuition Fee
    -  Support for the  amount exceeding 5 million won
    -  Support for full tuition fee for exceeding  semesters(after  evaluation)
  ▘Various Field Trips  and  Cultural Activities

3. Evaluation  Criteria (Kookmin  University  1ST  ROUND)
    ▘Document  Evaluation
       *  Personal Statement, Statement of Purpose and GPA will  be  comprehensively  evaluated
       *  Interview  will  be  performed  by  mobile  phone  or  video (SKYPE).

*Global Korea Scholarship Center, NIED :  https://www.studyinkorea.go.kr/en/sub/gks/selectBoardList.do?bbsId=BBSMSTR_000000000461
*ask more to NIIED :  kgspniied@korea.kr

4. Instructions on required documents 

- Application forms ONLY can be accepted by DHL, FedEX, EMS, etc, or in Person. (NOT by the e-mail)
- Just the Original One Full-set of documents is needed for University Track. (refer to page 11)

- All applicant documents must be written either in Korean or English. Documents written in languages other than Korean or English must accompany a complete Korean or English translation notarized by a notary public. (page 10)

All applicant documents must be presented in their original forms. If an applicant has to submit photocopied documents, applicant MUST have the photocopies notarized, apostilled, or receive consular confirmation and submit those certified documents. (page 10)
☞ For the applicants who are certain that they will not be able to get their academic documents reissued in the future, we strongly recommend them to submit notarized, apostilled or consular-confirmed academic documents in lieu of original documents as all documents submitted will NOT be returned to the applicants in any case.

- All applicants must submit a family register or a birth certificate issued by the government of the applicant’s country for proof of citizenship. If their citizenship information is not indicated on either document, then additionally submit passport copies of the applicant and applicant’s parents. (passport copies do not need to be notarized)

two letters of recommendation are required (refer to page 10) >
- Applicants must submit two letters of recommendation from two different recommenders, who can provide thorough assessment on the applicant’s academic abilities. The recommendation letters must be sealed in an envelope and be submitted to KookminUniversity.
※ Examples of preferred recommenders :  academic advisor, Dean (head of department), professional from one’s field of study. If a research program applicant is currently employed at a research institute, he or she can submit letters of recommendation from the head of organization (or research institute). 

※ find more :   department introduction, coursework, faculty

 ask more :   e-mail addresses of the chief professor of departments

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